Probates and Foreclosure deals in Georgia

Auction, Tax delinquent, property records in Georgia

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Use our Differential CAP Rate search tool to find potential properties currently for sale and get insights such as your Return on Investment (ROI) Real Estate CRM

In Real Estate the Money is in the Follow UP! In Reifax we created a CRM specially designed for Real Estate, in which all communications including calls, contracts, emails, text messages, and voicemails, are seen through the property.

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Our Unique Feature will find deals for you! We determine the market value of all properties via comparables and calculate Equity rates based on mortgage, foreclosure, and debt liens .

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Reifax has different approaches to property Analysis. You can create Analyses based on Closed Sales Comparables by area or subdivision,  by active listings, by Rental Comparables, and BNB rentals. Those analyses will bring you public record information of mortgage, tax delinquent, ownership, and sales history, and with our pre-set reports you will get everything you need to know about a property in seconds.Type a message. Property Analysis

Analyze properties based on comparables by area or subdivision, active listings, Rentals, and BNB rentals. Our report will bring public record information, mortgage, tax delinquent, ownership, and sales history.



Lis pendens has been filed (before auction).

Georgia is ranked #1 in United States

For Sale With Equity


Properties For Sale with at least 30% equity.

Georgia is ranked #1 in United States



The owner is deceased and the will is in process.

Georgia is ranked #1 in United States

Tax Delinquent


Tax have been delinquent for more than a year.

Georgia is ranked #1 in United States

Tired Landlords


Multi-unit owners who have more than four years in title.

Georgia is ranked #1 in United States

Short Sales


Upside-down property, where the debt is greater than the market value.

Georgia is ranked #1 in United States

Bank Owned


Property is no longer redeemable, the bank owns it.

Georgia is ranked #1 in United States



Pre-foreclosed property that's going to auction in the next few months.

Georgia is ranked #1 in United States

Repairs For Sale


Properties for sale that need repairs.

Georgia is ranked #1 in United States

Vacant Property


Vacant and abandoned properties.

Georgia is ranked #1 in United States

Sold property


Properties sold last 12 months.

Georgia is ranked #1 in United States

For sale


Properties for sale.

Georgia is ranked #1 in United States

United States, Georgia
Total Deals 76,947

Single family properties has increase in value 100% since last year, from $0 to $303,693. The average time that a Single Family property takes to sale is about 0 days. The time that will take to sell the inventory is 0.00 months.

Condominium properties has increase in value 100% since last year, from $0 to $280,944. The average time that a Condominium property takes to sale is about 0 days. The time that will take to sell the inventory is 0.00 months.